Lifestyle Trends to Ditch (and What to Keep) in 2024

The New Year is almost here! As December comes to a close, many people are putting the final touches on their New Year’s resolutions. When looking at a new year as a fresh start, Sphinx Date Co. encourages people to make realistic resolutions that fit their lifestyle. It’s also important to realize some of the things that become trending, aren’t meant to last. All in good fun, Sphinx Date Co. offers a list of what to keep and what to ditch in the New Year.


Ditch: Elimination Diets — Unless it is recommended by a doctor to cut out an entire food group from a daily diet in the name of one’s personal health, such as items with gluten for those with Celiac disease, most elimination diets that are trending on the internet cut out a specific food product (carbs, for example) with the intent to help people lose weight. The problem? When reintroducing carbs, which most people can’t (or simply don’t want to) eliminate their diets forever, the weight tends to come back too.


Keep: Mindful Eating and Enjoyment — Enjoying a balanced diet most of the time is a much more manageable approach to a healthy lifestyle that people can maintain for the long run. Focus on whole healthy foods most of the time and allow for little indulgences of those favorite sweets or treats. As important as a simple, healthy eating routine is daily movement. It doesn’t have to be hardcore cardio and people shouldn’t force themselves into a workout they hate. A simple daily walk can do wonders for the mind and body. Consider adding daily movement into those 2024 New Year’s resolutions. Both yoga and Pilates are trending for 2024, with a focus on intentional movement continues to make waves.


Ditch: Overworking to the Point of Burnout — There’s no shame in the hustle! Working hard is admirable. However, no one needs to run themselves into the ground for their 9 to 5. It’s important not to get caught up in what is showcased on the internet or social media and instead focus on what is truly important. Yes, the bills have to be paid. But not at the sacrifice of one’s own health or mental state.


Keep: A Balanced Work-Life Mindset — Easier said than done, finding a balance between work and personal life is important. Especially for those workaholics out there. Make a cognizant effort in 2024 to create space for time to relax and rejuvenate, time spent with family and friends or time perusing a new hobby.


Ditch: Perfection — Social media can be deceiving and leave people longing for a picture of perfection that may simply not exist. In 2024, try to abandon the idea of “perfection” in any scenario. Reality is messy and imperfect, but pretty great.


Keep: Progress — That said, no one should be faulted for working toward a new personal best, however they choose to define it. In 2024, focus on progress over perfection. Set realistic goals and create a plan on how to achieve them. Then keep setting new goals and crushing those! There is nothing like overcoming a challenge or meeting a goal to boost self-confidence and grow that “can-do” attitude.


The Sphinx Date Co. wishes its staff, family, friends and customers a happy and safe New Year. Stop by in 2024! 

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