Cool Ways to Enjoy Dates

Sphinx Date Company may be a little partial to dates, but they really are an ideal fruit to sweeten up summertime and help valley residents cool down! Sphinx’s daily date milkshake production has always been popular amongst the locals and frequent customers - some even drive all the way from California to get a sweet sip of the delicious date shakes. If you haven't tried one yet, this is a sign!

Date Milkshake — Milkshakes and/or smoothies are very forgiving so have fun with experimentation! For a classic, thick and creamy date milkshake, combine 1/2 cup dates, 1  ½ cups milk, a few scoops of ice cream and flavorings to taste such as a splash of vanilla or a pinch of cinnamon. For a morning smoothie, swap out the ice cream for chunks of frozen banana, for example, and for those that prefer a vegan or dairy-free option, try a date shake using almond milk, oat milk or coconut milk. The chocoholics out there can add a scoop of cocoa powder or a squeeze of chocolate syrup to take this a classic date shake to the next level!

Date Ice Cream — The “cool” thing about dates is that they can be used in a variety of dessert recipes to add sweetness without adding white refined sugar. Many people that follow a paleo or vegan lifestyle incorporate dates into their diets as an all-natural “sugar” source. That said, making ice cream with dates makes it that much sweeter or healthier, whichever way one sees it! There are a variety of recipes for making date ice cream — and adding nuts like pistachios or cashews and other flavorings. Dates are mild and versatile enough that creative cooks can make coffee, salted caramel, peanut butter chocolate and even pumpkin spice ice cream for those that can’t wait ‘til fall to get their fix! 

Date Syrup — Once again this versatile little fruit can be modified to create another sweet favorite — syrup. Date syrup can be used in place of pancake syrup or as an alternative to maple syrup or honey in all kinds of recipes. With just two cups dates and twice the amount of water (okay a little soaking and boiling is also required), date syrup can be made and refrigerated to use in countless ways!

With some research, recipe guidance and a dash of experimentation, there is no limit to the level of deliciousness dates can add to cool treats this summer. But for those that prefer to take a break from the kitchen, come on into Sphinx Date Company Palm and Pantry where a variety of fresh date products abound such as chocolate dipped dates and date salsas


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