3 Healthy Habits to Start Today

Forming a new habit can seem daunting, but it’s really all about making a decision — and committing to that decision. While there are so many “healthy” eating and lifestyle trends, the habits that are most likely to stick are unique to each individual. Looking to start a healthy new habit? Sphinx Date Co. offers three healthy habits — and tips on how to make those habits stick.

 Get More Sleep — Good quality sleep is one of the most underrated factors in one’s health. Getting enough sleep on a regular basis actually plays a key role in wellbeing throughout one’s life. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “during sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health.” Lack of quality sleep overtime can affect how well “you think, react, work, learn, and get along with others.” And those that don’t get enough sleep or wake often in the night “may have higher risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and stroke.” Try shutting down even 15 to 30 minutes earlier each night to start a solid sleep routine. For those that have trouble getting to sleep, limit screen time after dinner, run a soothing bath, sip some warm tea or read in bed.

Pick Produce over Processed — Studies show the Standard American Diet, which is loaded with sugary sweets and pre-packaged, highly processed and fried foods, can really take a toll on one’s health. And while drive-thru dining offers convenience in this on-the-go society, there is no substitute for the nutrition found in real whole foods. Eating a mostly whole food menu takes a little pre-planning, but the result of a healthy lifestyle is worth it. Making small swaps over time can help make this habit an automatic lifestyle change. For example, instead of French fries with an order when dining out, choose steamed veggies or a side salad and rather than reach for a bag of chips when craving something salty, try a handful of nuts or some air popped popcorn. These little changes can add up to big results.

 Move More — The idea of working out can summon up some groans of dread. But regular exercise has some incredible health benefits — both physically and mentally. In fact, those that suffer with high stress, anxiety, depression and mood swings may find the solution in a regular workout routine. The good news is the workout doesn’t have to be high-intensity cardio or weightlifting. Even a brisk walk can do the trick. Finding passion in a workout routine or a sport is the key to making moving more a habit.

Forming a habit has a lot to do with one’s personality. Some may succeed with an all in approach while others may need to start with micro changes to their current lifestyle. Regardless of which path is taken, the journey is just as important as the end goal. Try a few small lifestyle changes to add these important habits into every day to reap some great health benefits!

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